Commercial Air Conditioning
Keeping clients and staff comfortable

Our commercial air conditioning solutions allow you to provide a consistent and comfortable temperature to both your clients and employees. Managing the temperature of your office, retail, hotel or business premises effectively throughout the year can also bring cost saving advantages.
Climate Control in Multiple Areas
Our installations give you control over the temperature in different areas of your buildings and allow you to not only manage your building more effectively but also increase efficiencies and reduce energy consumption by up to 30%.
Keeping with new energy saving legislation
EU directives are driving large changes within the commercial sector for measuring energy usage and the carbon footprint of your business. On the plus side they are also highlighting large potential cost savings that businesses can benefit from installing more energy efficient equipment.
Installing new air conditioning through a managed programme of refurbishment with maintenance support will future proof your requirements from new legislation and using the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme you can reduce initial investment costs and receive the best payback terms.
Energy efficiency & ECA Scheme
Energy Saving Efficiency
Create the perfect environment and reduce energy consumption.
As an independent supplier we work with the industry’s leading suppliers allowing us to select the right solution for your needs.
As the range of energy efficient air conditioning solutions available increases each year and each offering a different combination of benefits our experience allows us to identify the right fit for your needs.
The Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme enables businesses to claim a 100% first year capital allowance on investments in certain energy saving equipment, against the taxable profits of the period of investment. There are often additional benefits of purchasing ECA qualifying energy efficient technologies that could include improving cash flow and a reduction in energy bills.
For more information on the right air-conditioning system for your business or how the ECA Scheme could offer additional benefits contact us today.
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